Are you sending funds overseas in large amounts? Do you need to convert those funds into foreign currency?
With BestShip, you’ll save on the conversion rate, funds will be available sooner and you will learn to hedge the market and protect yourself from the currency fluctuation. Our specialized software along with our strong network of banks, helps all size businesses, with exchange rates, international transactions, as well as protecting revenue from currency fluctuation. It’s also designed to integrate smoothly with your current software and save you time and money on unnecessary fees in the global currency market.
Did you know many times companies will lower their prices if you pay them in their local currency? This tool will give you a negotiating edge with your vendors overseas.
Our easy-to-use interface requires no prior knowledge of currency management. Our platform monitors the market and automatically takes advantage of favorable trends. This way you do not need to actively track exchange rates, rather spend the time running your business as usual, while taking full advantage of what the system has to offer.
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